Flavor of the Ocean
Our oysters have been a staple on the RI oyster menu for decades. Grown in the shallows of Winnapaug Pond year round and protected by the Misquamicut Beach our oysters have a unique flavor. Starting with a crisp brinyness and finishing with a mellow buttery flavor they are the oystermans oyster.

“ I love Watch Hill oysters and have served them many times at my own parties. ”
“The market size oysters that we sampled right out of the water had a mollusc-y sweet and earthy taste, the same kind that you find in a good clam.”
Our Promise
We work year round to ensure that our oysters are of the highest quality and shape. Each one is hand sorted to ensure what ends up on your plate is something we would be proud to serve.
See Our Farm
About Us
We are watch hill oysters
For nearly thrity years we have been working to bring New England the best oysters possible. Working in rain, sleet, and snow each oyster is painstakingly tended to in the shallow waters of Winnapaug Pond.